Friday 27 November 2015

Chitambo District Emergency Care WhatsApp Network

Remarkable history has been made at Chitambo this week.  ICT Workshop leads have established 2 Facebook pages, one open (Chitambo Hospital Facebook Group) and the other for closed and confidential discussion of emergency cases and issues.

They also established a WhatsApp Emergency Care support network.  This is to enable isolated staff in Rural Health Clinics to obtain help and support from peers and experts, in managing serious emergencies.

2 such emergencies were reported within the first 24 hours.  

Case 1: This was a case of an abortion in a 15 year old girl.  Highly experienced medical and nursing staff were able to guide the clinic nurse in how to handle the case asking questions such as was it a complete or partial abortion?; how much bleeding was there?; was the patient anaemic?

They then instructed the nurse to initiate intravenous fluids and antibiotics and to keep them updated.   If the bleeding was excessive, the patient would need to be referred to hospital.  However, with the advice given, her condition improved and this was not necessary.

Case 2: This was a road traffic accident and the hospital team was summoned to prepare an ambulance and prepare to receive 2 road traffic accident victims.  Road traffic accidents are all too common on the Great North Road (GNR), which runs from Cape to Cairo and passes by Chitambo.  Any initiative which speeds up handling of such cases will save lives.

These are very innovative and creative responses, by our Zambian and Chitambo partners, to improving emergency care communications in the Chitambo District.  We are all so proud of them.

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